- 干固物 dry substance
- 物 matter
- 紧固物 crossarm brace
- 真干固物 true solids
- 固 sure
- 总干固物 total solids by drying (干燥法测得)
- RTCP为RTP媒体流提供信道外(out-of-band)控制。 RTCP provides out-of-band control information for an RTP flow.
- 在本例中,out-of-band关系就是一个给定的假设。 In this case an out-of-band relationship is a given assumption.
- 及物动词 transitive verb
- 紧固 tightening
- 取物 fetch
- 建立使用条款的另一个可能方法是out-of-band关系。 Another possible method for establishing terms for usage is that of the out-of-band relationship.
- 物语 story
- 固话 fixed line
- 不及物动词 intransitive verb(缩写:vi.)
- 固相 solidoid
- 引物 primer
- 固结 concretion
- 及物 transitive
- 亲情固着 parental fixation